Sunday, June 10, 2007

How was your day

Good june 10th everyone. I am posting today and I am not at my home so I do not have my book. Anyway I have a issue where I am hopeing that this Secret will work and I am putting it in place and want to share it with everyone so that you can all support me in this issue. I have 2 daughters and since having them I have been unable to get off the weight and I have started this. You may follow my progress and get tips that I and others use at my other blog

But anyway I am alreay seeing my succes that I AM going to have. I am seeing myself at the weight that I want to be. I watch myself throughout the next few weeks and the fact that I will not fail. So I know that it will work this time.

Anyone have any advice or any stories where your Secret has become part of you life. Does anyone use this Secret. Please let me know what you big decision and life change will be and how the secret will help you.

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